Wednesday, December 15, 2010

i've been getting this lack of feeling

Christmas feels disorganized as fuck this year. probably because I won't be getting my schedule until I'm guessing a few days before the 24th. I could use the time off but I could also use the money, so I've decided either way I'm just going to not complain. I've been hating social activity outside of work so you'd think I'd be getting some shit done but I haven't. I feel uninspired and like everything I'm going to make for anyone will be forced and thus worthless. just some kind of funk I suppose, but it's the time of year for that. I met a man today who loved his job and it was encouraging to see that you can live and not just shit for eight hours a day. I hope one day I can be a part of something I'm interested in. Not just for the money or the hours or the staff party. I'm still without a goal. just a vague direction.

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