Thursday, April 21, 2011

in lieu of subtlty

Well, it's thursday and I'm sleeping early because I have a greyhound to catch in the morning, so I guess the week's over and I didn't do a lot with it.
real soon I want to start fucking with canvas again. Something more practical for a show if I get in on one in the near future. shouldn't be too big a challenge. I want to start painting more on wood panel or other found material too. I prefer the look to canvas usually. It feels too forced and I'm rarely happy with the end result
perhaps I just haven't gotten into the swing of making use of a fixed-size working area. digital is good for that. It's spoiling

This is dope too. Irrelevant but dope. Theophilus is one of many influences if only in just the way he presents himself. This reminds me how fucking small Victoria is, we don't have any good shops here. There's shitty consignment, overpriced shitty consignment and AA. every trendy "boutique" is headed by some thick ass framed brown wearing bitch who likes to stick her nose up. so busy indulging herself in the siren song of DIVERSITY that she forgets to stand for anything other than her exclusive taste in life and clique of undeserved pretentious nobodys. I mean everybody's an asshole sometimes, I can be blatantly hypocritical on the subject; but I'm talking about the caricature of a gaping asshole.
Whatever. VV fits and it's keeping me from going broke and shopping with these people, who I'm also failing to acknowledge exist in literally every bigger city.
I guess I'm sleepin' now!

1 comment:

  1. Sucks when vintage is the same price as brand new. Right with you with the stuck up hipsters - I too can be as hypocritical as the next douche but I'm tired of having to be an extreme before I get a nod of approval.
