Another huge influence. But a positive one this time. Scroobius Pip, or David Meads. A talented lyricist and spoken word artist. I've taken a lot of interest in writing and the english language in general because of what he does. Not only just that but as an artist. I'm planning a series of paintings based on an old film adaptation of an even older play which he's quoted or sampled on a few occasions. Although I don't know if it's a good idea yet.
ANyways I noticed this morning as I couldn't get out of bed until much later than I wanted to with a blinding headache that I've been cut off at 3 different bars 3 weekends in a row. Definitely A group effort on all counts, last night no fault of my own at all. so I don't feel too bad. My regular intake is actually all around much less than it used to be. But still, to other people that probably makes me look "bad". SO, next weekend I won't do that. But I have no promises for tonight, because it's my brothers birthday evening, and part of me(most of me) wants it to be funny.