Wednesday, April 6, 2011

a little bit of sherm sure provokes the fucking fight in her

so, as you may or may have not noticed I didn't do well enough @ threadless to get my submission printed. Or even stick around the full seven days, haha. I was pretty resigned to the fate of it after the first 50 votes were of average (average being bad) rating. Browsing the other submissions I realized it probably shouldn't just be a few hour hangover project if I want it to actually get off the ground. I'm entirely confident I can make something better, but me and threadless do have a slightly different demographic. I'll probably submit another when I get some hours to fuck around a little more seriously and think about who I'm trying to appeal to. I appreciate a challenge, and I'm confident enough in my ability to take shit like that in stride.
mad appreciate to everyone who promoted and/or voted me though. I got more support than I expected. I'll probably spam again when I've submitted the next one.

also PARTY FEST is this weekend.
And for the occasion I'll be seeing some friends I haven't seen in what feels like for fucking ever.
a few of my posters are downtown, and there's about no way I'm not going to have a fucking ball

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