SOWW I almost have enough money for the rebel real quick. That's sweet. I plan on doing quite a bit with it. Also I think I'm starting to write a book of short stories illustrations and personal philosophy. Yeah, I guess that's called a "journal". Excerpts I got so far are about that personal, but I'm not going to keep it hidden away somewhere with a lock and key. Maybe not everyone, but I'll show it to the people I don't think are too pussy to read about something introspective that isn't just neato existentialism . It'll be accumulative, likely sloppy and probably never finished. I've been thinking a lot about it and too many people I know are simply afraid to give credit to strong emotions other than love or happiness. it can be so fucking taboo but I find creatively I get a truckload out of embracing it . Maybe I'm just more of a masochist or some shit but It probably comes with the territory. happiness is ephemeral and at times dishonest(duhr) , you feel like it's on the tip of your tongue but it's on a stick in front of a treadmill. sometimes death is sippin' on a doctor pepper in the guise of life and I don't want to draw a picture or write a book about two people drooling and staring at the sun. I want to write about doctor pepp! I want to read literature I can appreciate and relate to that isn't Bukowski. Get real, Bukowski. I'm sure there's a lot out there but I'd rather stay productive than do "research" which is the opposite of productive. I'm not one of those fags who seek enlightenment instead of dwelling on things that retrospectively don't have to be so big a deal. searching for enlightenment means abandoning all your current and incredibly stable principles, and that is by far the gayest idea I've ever even imagined.
But seriously. As soon as old man Spring comes around I'll get more active and actually enjoy myself. It's the way the year tends to play out. The plan was to stay indoors through the cold season and work on more portfolio shit, and I did. I developed a very important friendship, did a lot of painting and some quasi self improvement.
on a more literal note, this is fucking sweet.
I constantly wonder how I'd cope if I ever lost my vision. This man does a better job than I would. inspiring shit though.
| Artists Wanted | In Focus : Pete Eckert from Artists Wanted on Vimeo.
I guess that's all I've got for you today.