hell of a monthhh. don't even remember what I did with the first half, saw a lot of people I guess. Thought about what I was thankful for. I do have a lot. bought some supplies, didn't do enough with them, learned the difference between quality and shit in a couple categories. remembered that i'm still just as awkward as I was as a teenager sometimes, the small things don't change. Went to Seattle and saw one of my all-time favorite bands. Got some hours cut at work, disregarded it on the trip. Remembered my life options are limited, and again stressed on how to get the ball rolling. make money, buy the shit I want? or make less and live the life I want minus the material goods. It's all shit that I'd use a lot and they'd be extremely beneficial for what i want to do. I just don't want to throw away all that time to get a couple things and still not be anywhere. Also looked into school and remembered I'm only qualified in one area. DURR
I don't regret any of my past choices because they got me to where I am now. and as much as it is some kind of fucked up limbo I've placed myself in, I don't think I would've realized what I find to be the most important if I followed through with orders and did all the things I didn't want to do and was told were necessary. maybe i'm just stubborn? but still it's something to this day I see a lot of people my age and even much older being unsure of. It was the only way it would've happened and It did. regret is pointless and after all is said and done, I'll remember more than anything the way my actions were treated by the people who were too skeptical to consider I was capable of doing things any differently, and not end up in a ditch. That list is longer than I like to remember