I started drawing up plans for a painting the other day and while deciding on a colorway, I realized that a smiling girl with "bravado" written in cum on her face is probably gonna be one of the ones that won't be received the way it's intended to. so right now since I'm bored I'm going to clear that up mostly for my own peace of mind.
for the record, I'm no sexist or chauvinist. weird rite? pieces like this or the one with the girl saying "bitches" over her face are meant to be sort of a social commentary i guess? on how humans in general, in or out of love, will treat each other and themselves to appear dominant over the opposite sex. and what emotional cop-outs people will commit to in attempt to justify their actions. when I write bitches I'm referring to a certain type of girl. not every girl, and probably not most girls. just as I refer to a certain type of guy as douche bag. I guess it's still prejudice on some level but I try not to generalize if I can avoid it. out of habit I'll use the term loosely in speech but to be fair I only mean it about 50% of the time.
but back on topic, i guess the resentment i feel towards people as a whole is largely influenced by this kind of behavioral form. some people feel damaged, used, so they take it out on people who don't deserve it. gives them a naive sense of power like they have life in a choke hold because they can inflict more pain than they feel. we've all seen it perpetuated. using yourself and others to gain your self-respect back because you opened up to the wrong person and now you're some kind of dump covered victim. it makes no sense. wiping a sour dirt taste out of your mouth with a soiled rag just makes you look like a mud hungry retard. and though the pursuit of happiness is grandiose I feel like people are just looking for depth in a kiddy pool because the pathway is less slippery. looking for clear and discernible ground in a puddle of child pee murked with impurities from candy and other stupid things kids eat. I'm no basis for the most level headed behavior but if I feel like someone I trust has slipped me laxatives I won't take a dump on the carseat of someone who trusts me. so I guess there you go. I have no qualms with affection or love, just the insincere confused behavior it leads people to on account of blind emotion dickwrestling all logic into submission . i guess some qualms. there's a bold line that shouldn't be crossed and everyone is jizzing over it because life is a series of hilarious accidents and you'll look tougher jizzing over a line with shades on than you will carrying yourself genuinely
in conclusion: idk i need new subject matter